Updated to include Enoranta, and a hat tip to Toni Jerrman for noticing I had overlooked a nominee!
Partial Recall
Occasional fandom commentary, sometimes with pictures.
Friday, November 09, 2018
Finlandia Award Nominees 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Awards at Finncon
As usual, there were a few awards given out at Finncon last weekend in Turku. Here's a rundown of the results.
The Atorox Award for best Finnish sf short story published last year went to Jenny Kangasvuo. The top 3 for this year was,
- Musta otsa by Jenny Kangasvuo, published in Portti 4/2016
- Mansikkakakku by Emma Keski-Kuha, published in Portti 1/2017
- Muistot putoilevat meistä by Terhi Tarkiainen, published in Portti 4/2016
Anthologies have been very strong in the Atorox results recently, but this year Portti took back its place as top sf short story publisher—4 of the top 5 stories were published in Portti. Seven of the top ten stories were written by women.
The Tähtifantasia Award for best fantasy book translated into Finnish in 2017 went to Luukellot (The Bone Clocks) by David Mitchell. The novel is translated by Einari Aaltonen, and published by Sammakko.
The jury commended the book’s handling of the themes of time, and the worth of eternal life, and how it tackles changes in society and consequences of climate change, yet is also an entertaining read. The Finnish translation gets a special mention from the jury.
The Nova short story competition for new writers top 3 was:
- Parveke taivaan laidalla by Jasmin Kuusela
- (tie) Kumskin lapset by Milka Hakkarainen, and Lajinsa ainoa by Kaj Syrjänen
A total of 134 stories were sent to the competition.
Finfar Thesis Competition
The Finnish fantasy researchers association organized for the first time a competition for best Finnish master's thesis on a speculative fiction topic published in 2017. The winner was Silja Korkeamäki’s thesis “It's turning into a horror story” : Intermediaalisuus ja lajikytkökset pelin Alan Wake kertovissa teksteissä. The research studies the narrative texts in the computer game Alan Wake, their intermediality, and their use of different genre traditions.
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Tähtivaeltaja Award Nominees 2018
The shortlist for the Tähtivaeltaja Award has been announced. This year no less than four of the five nominees are Finnish — this is a first (as far as I can remember).
The nominees are:
- Verso by Tuomo Jäntti (Gummerus)
- Mehiläistie by Heikki Kännö (Sammakko)
- Pinnan alla pimeä by Jukka Laajarinne (Atena)
- Luukellot (The Bone Clocks) by David Mitchell (Sammakko)
- Tuomiopäivän karavaani by Jani Saxell (WSOY)
The Tähtivaeltaja Award is given annually to the best science fiction book published in Finland during the previous year. The jury is: journalist Hannu Blommila, editor Toni Jerrman, critic Elli Leppä, and critic Antti Oikarinen. The winner will be announced in May.
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Tähtivaeltaja Award to Lauren Beukes
The Helsinki Science Fiction Society has announced the winner of this year’s Tähtivaeltaja Award: the best science fiction book published in Finnish in 2016 is Zoo City – Eläinten valtakunta by Lauren Beukes. The novel is translated by Tytti Vitikainen and published by Aula & Co.
The award jury says Zoo City is a strong and unique science fiction novel, a detective story in an imaginative setting, with a story about xenophobia and commercialization. The polarized society is skilfully constructed and seamlessly joins together reality and fiction. The characters are varied, have many aspects and flaws to their personalities, and have their own motivations. There are no absolutely good or bad characters, only people trying to survive in their own ways.
The intriguing idea of animal familiars combines different mythologies, binds the book together, and brings forth themes of redemption, regret, and adaptation. The book also handles serious topics such as problems and conflicts in society. Beukes tells the story in her own, strong voice, with language that reels you in and keeps you turning the pages. Zoo City offers a refreshing alternative to the Anglo American culture that is prevalent in science fiction.
The award jury consisted of critic Hannu Blommila, editor-in-chief Toni Jerrman, critic Elli Leppä, and critic Antti Oikarinen.
Swecon 2017
This weekend it was once again time for Swecon, Sweden‘s national science fiction convention. The convention was called Kontur and held at the Clarion Hotel Gillet in Uppsala—a very nice venue for a convention of 200–300 members (which category I estimate this one falls in), and a lovely city to visit.
Swecon was a three-day convention as usual, but since Thursday was a holiday (and it’s a Tradition to go to Åland on Ascension Day for an sf con), a bunch of us Finns started the journey already Thursday morning and went to Mariehamn for smÅcon 81/2, organized by Hanna Hakkarainen, and spent a one-night minicon there eating, drinking, playing games, and having Very Serious Panel Discussions. There were even a couple of members who came just for smÅcon and then returned to Finland.
Fun and Games at smÅcon: drinks & Cards Against Humanity
Even after a couple of days, I’m still way too tired to write a comprehensive con report, so you’ll have to be content with a bunch of comments and photos I tweeted from the con. I do want to mention that the convention was very well run. The venue worked quite well (ok, the bar could have been a little less expensive and closed later, but being a hotel bar you have to accept that you can’t have everything), the program ran in time, there was a very nice souvenir book in addition to the program book (Finnish conventions take note: it is possible to have separate souvenir book and pocket program, and do it well!), the Guests of Honor were outstanding (seriously, if you have a chance of seeing Kameron Hurley, Ann Leckie, or Siri Pettersen at a convention, make sure you take it!) and complemented each other wonderfully.
The convention gave off a vibe of caring about its members and wanting to create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. Huge thanks to the organizing committee, led by Nahal Ghanbari and Anna Bark Persson, for a job well done!
May 26 17:51
Survived #smÅcon, arrived at Uppsala. #swecon2017 registration done. Next, I think I’ll take a leaf out of @zenaldehyde’s book & take a nap.
May 26 17:54
The Swedes got so close to getting the air conditioning branding for #swecon2017 right…
May 26 20:10
It’s nice to write. Except the writing part.
— Siri Pettersen at #swecon2017
May 26 20:49
All the books… #swecon2017
May 26 21:05
If you are in need of a copy of The Lord of the Rings, #swecon2017 is the place to be.
May 26 21:27
Seconded! #swecon2017
A. Sellin intervjuar hedersg. den norska författaren Siri Pettersen. Har du möjlighet att höra henne i en programpunkt gör det! #swecon2017
May 26 22:10
How to write about men – Ann Leckie & Kameron Hurley killing it at #swecon2017
May 27 01:50
Late night chatting #swecon2017
May 27 13:56
Kameron Hurley interview at #swecon2017. If you want to read sf that mixes genres and plays with tropes you should definitely read her
May 27 13:59
Impressed by people at #swecon2017 – whenever someone claims they don’t need to use the mic everybody shouts Yes you do. Well done, fandom!
May 27
Next year’s Swecon will be in Stockholm in June. Site selection vote took place at #swecon2017
Vi har haft Sweconomröstning! Nästa års Swecon blir Fantastika i Stockholm! https://fantastika2018.wordpress.com/
May 27 21:09
— I hate research
— I love it. I have a degree in history you know
— You bastard!
GoHs discussing writing at #swecon2017
May 27 21:10
Being a writer is like having homework for the rest of your life
— Ann Leckie at #swecon2017
May 27 21:15
I think the #swecon2017 panel just launched the concept of Chekhov’s Great Eagle.
May 27 21:25
Panel spiraling out of control. But totally in a good way. Also worldbuilding bartering—maps for research tables on travel time #swecon2017
May 27 21:29
Who knew you can have a worldbuilding panel that’s actually very entertaining‽ #swecon2017
May 27 21:30
Apparently you just need to put Kameron Hurley, Siri Pettersen & Ann Leckie on it. #swecon2017
May 28 04:26
Señor Humidor’s Amazingly Scientifictional Cigar Club at #swecon2017
May 28 04:34
There were more Finns than Swedes left standing (or rather sitting) at the pub. So I guess we won #swecon2017!
May 28 04:35
On the other hand, Swedes are the worst (judging by the Cards Against Humanity score). #swecon2017
May 28 04:37
The pub closed and threw us out. I think we’re meant to take the hint and go to bed. Good night! #swecon2017
May 28 12:28
May 28 17:59
A Finn, a Swede, a Dane, and a Norwegian walk into a bar… #swecon2017
May 29 01:18
The pubs close early in Sweden. The situation is desperate — Tommy is drinking a lager #swecon2017
May 29 01:39
💀 🐶 celebrated well and properly. Thank you organizers for another 👍Swecon! #swecon2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Cultural Award to Turtschaninoff
Maria Turtschaninoff has been awarded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland. She received their 20 000 € “Big Cultural Prize” yesterday.
Turtschaninoff was commended for weaving stories that feature mythical worlds, nature, and strong women and girls. The English edition of Naondel (prequel to the excellent Maresi) was published just last month.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Finlandia Award Nominees 2018
The Finlandia Award nominees for this year have been announced, and there are a couple of familiar sfnal names in the mix. Magdalena Hai’s K...
There’s been no official announcement yet, but the Turku sf society meeting minutes have been published , and from them you can see that the...
Babek Nabel , the Finnish sf fandom’s news and discussion forum, had a significant facelift at the turn of the year. In addition to a much ...
Finncon is almost upon us, and since many of you will be visiting Turku, I thought I’d share a couple of tips of places to eat, drink, and ...