Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sandman Lilius Cancels Finncon Appearance
Åcon Punch Out and Play
A while ago, a package arrived from Jeff. “Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to take this Star Wars: Punch Out and Play! book and play around with it.” As I was about to leave for Åcon I decided to take the book along.
So, besides drinking beer and talking to friends about science fiction I spent parts of the convention walking around with a bunch of paper dolls cardboard action figures, looking even sillier than usual trying to arrange them in interesting positions while explaining to passers-by that Jeff made me do it.
On the last day of the convention I visited the museum ship Pommern that was conveniently docked nearby. The con Guest of Honor Steph Swainston was also there, and got to play too.
The Jedi seemed to take to the ship like naturals. I had a hard time convincing them that it was time to go because the con was over and it was time to go home.
Without further ado, I present to you the Star Wars: Punch Out and Play Åland Adventure, a photo journey of various Jedi, Sith, and other assorted folks in Åland.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Åcon 4 Announced
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Back from Åcon
Åcon 3 is succesfully over and I’m back home. Despite the very sparse programming, there really wasn’t much down time at the convention for blogging and such stuff, so there haven’t been regular updates. Will try to post some thought on the convention later. Meanwhile, here are the things I posted on Twitter on Friday and Saturday:
These are the ongoing twitterings of the sf convention Åcon, its four-day mission to drink strange new bheers. To seek out new books and sfnal conversations. To boldly smof where no one has smoffed before.
- 08:34 At breakfast. #
- 09:50 Åbout to go on a tour to Stållhågen Brewery. #
- 13:02 Back from the brewery. Burp. #
- 14:15 Today's surprise hit is the ice cream the lobby bar sells. #
- 18:00 The Gothenburg fen arrived and presented Åcon with Tentakelpriset for bridging caps in fandom, awarded in June 2010. #
- 18:49 The state of Swedish science fiction (or rather the lack of it) is being lamented. #
- 19:10 Marianna waxing lyrical about current sf & f in Finland. #
- 19:45 3 panelists with laptops - I wonder if anyone notices me mentioning they abandoned the topic quite a while ago, talking about how to start writing instead
- 19:50 As soon as I had tweeted the previous comment, Ben (not with a laptop) got the panel a bit more back on track. #
- 22:23 Jukka's quiz show starting by designating the volunteers to compete and delivering various instruments that make noise. #
- 03:09 Bar closed a while ago; crowd migrated to room party. Nobody painted green yet but there's always tomorrow. #
- 14:42 The Finncon association meeting v. productive. #
- 15:17 The copyright panel got much more interesting after getting the mandatory Mickey Mouse and copyright companies gripe over with. #
- 16:09 GoH is doing wonderful things. #
- 21:33 Will find out what "Sci Fi Babble" means. #
- 21:34 Skipped the banquet, but the alternative meal was very good, and accompanied by very entertaining conversation. #
- 21:35 Hmm, seems to be "Sci Fi Babbel," actually. No wiser yet, though. #
- 21:51 In scifi båbbel the audience gets to vote whether the competitors are being boring. Should be included in regular panels as well! #
- 01:57 Great game show, good chats in the bar. Room party. @JohanJ being painted green. There are pictures. #
- 02:32 The post-midnight Incredible Hulk photo shoot. #
- 03:41 Need... sleep... must... leave... room... party... #
Friday, May 22, 2009
Eurocon 2011 Announces Fan GoH
Åcon Twittering
- 07:19 On the way to #åcon3 #fb #
- 09:54 Dissecting Star Trek at Ölcon. #åcon3 #
- 16:35 Arrived in Mariehamn. In true relaxcon manner there are no badges. Some promised for tomorrow though. #åcon3 #fb #
- 18:38 The convention is åpen. #åcon3 #
- 18:40 People were instructed to use the hash tag #åcon3 when tweeting about the con. #
- 18:53 Innovative sf panel with Steph Swainston & others is about to begin. #åcon3 #
- 21:47 Tragic setback - seems nobody remembered to make sure the bar stays open later the first night. Lobby bar to the rescue! #åcon3 #
- 23:41 Only Finns left, hanging out in the bar. #åcon3 #
- 23:47 Found the Swedes. Lots of conversations going on all around. #åcon3 #
Åcon 3 Is Go
There were some minor setbacks (no badges until tomorrow, the bar didn’t get the message of staying open late already today), but nothing serious. And this time we’re prepared for the very early cleaning staff at the hotel (last year they started knocking on doors, wanting to clean the rooms around 8 in the morning): there was a workshop where people could customize their own “Do not disturb” signs (the rooms don’t have those). So we should be all set for tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rajaniemi Sturgeon Finalist
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Finncon Accommodation
Another very good hotel within walking distance (about 1 km) is the Radisson SAS Seaside. There’s currently a special price for “S-kortti” (a Finnish store chain membership card) holders: you can book a room online for just 55 €/night at the hotel (Offer expires on May 15).
A good inexpensive alternative are the two Omena hotels in Helsinki. The rooms are about 60 €/night, but up to four people can stay in the same room (if you don’t mind it being a little cramped, of course) with no extra cost, so it’s a very good deal.
There are also links to a couple of nearby hostels on the Finncon accommodation page.
I’ve put together a map where you can see the location of these hotels in relation to the con site.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The Migrating Mafia
Hope to see you there tomorrow at six!
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