On Friday, I somehow managed to be at the con site at 10 in the morning. Went to see people talk about taking care of their GoHs, hoping for juicy horror stories. Alas, the panel was quite civilized and contained no gossip. Had a nice lunch in a nearby restaurant, wandered around,

and popped back in the art show and dealers’ room (I’d decided on not buying many things this worldcon, but we still ended bidding on a couple of David Hardy paintings),

and also saw a couple of other panels.

Friday had a lot of candidates for best missed program item, like “What’s hot and what’s not” (on cool sf that misses the nominations or defies categorization), “Greg Pickersgill GoH Experience” (heard a lot of good things about this one) and “Secret history of Ansible” (ditto), but not one that would rise above others.
Best program item, however, is easy: in the evening there was a Reductio ad Absurdum play Lucas Back in Anger, an under-two-hours version of all six Star Wars movies. It was at times hilarious and most of the time at least moderately funny, with occasional strokes of genius. And an audience of thousands playing Imperial March on kazoos! I laughed more than I had in a long time (although I suspect Saturday managed to top that record; more on that later).
On to the parties. Friendly Norwegians had lots of beer. Chicago had hot dogs (eventually). Everybody had nice people.
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