Well, it’s not that big, actually. But it’s still quite big. There were around 4.100 attendees (or “warm bodies,” as they are affectionately called in official lingo) counted at Interaction, Glasgow. But that’s still a lot of people. And, even though I heard they had to cut down on programming due to lack of space, there was a lot going on—program items, fan events, general lounging around and drinking beer, and so on. So, to write a comprehensive con report would be quite a task (and require a lot of notes-taking during the event, which I didn’t do). So I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to post short summaries of the convention days, strictly from a subjective point of view, along with some pictures, during the next few days (as I get my thoughts and pictures sorted out).
To start with, here are a few pictures of the convention site,

from inside the convention center,

of the fan gallery & dealers’ room,

and of the Fan lounge.

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